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August 15, 2023

The Strategic Land Group (SLG) has agreed to work with the owners of a site in Abbots Bromley, adding to its now 16-site portfolio.

The 11.6-acre greenfield site will be promoted through the East Staffordshire Council Local Plan.

Abbots Bromley is a very desirable location, twice voted Best Place to Live in the Midlands by The Sunday Times in recent years. It is also famous for its Horn Dance, which sees many visitors flock to the village each year to join in the celebrations, which began in 1221.

Paul Smith, managing director of The Strategic Land Group, said: “We’re very pleased to have been appointed to promote this fantastic site in Abbots Bromley - it’s a lovely, lively village with some brilliant traditions that are very popular with residents and visitors alike.

“This site has the right attributes for development plus a highly sought-after location and we look forward to working with the landowner and council to secure its position in the new Local Plan.”

SLG is one of the UK’s most successful land and renewable energy promoters. It is currently working with a 16-site portfolio and is actively promoting sites with the potential to deliver more than 2,500 new homes and with a gross development value of circa £750million.

If you have a site you think SLG could help with, get in touch today!

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