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April 4, 2023

The Strategic Land Group (SLG) has secured a new promotion agreement in Nantwich, one of a number of new projects it expects to secure over the course of 2023.

The site in the popular Cheshire market town will be brought forward for residential development, the process managed throughout by SLG’s managing director, Paul Smith.

Having signed a promotion agreement with the landowner, SLG aims to secure a housing allocation for the site in the forthcoming review of the Cheshire East Local Plan before selling on the open market to a house builder.

The 7.9-acre site, which is currently used for agricultural purposes, has the potential to accommodate around 60 new homes.

Paul Smith, Managing Director of The Strategic Land Group (SLG), said: “We’re pleased to have been appointed to bring forward this latest site in Cheshire; it’s in a great location close to the centre of Nantwich and is well-positioned to support the future growth that will follow the development of the HS2 network.

“We are very experienced in promoting sites like this through the local plan process to secure permission for development and look forward to working with Cheshire East Council.”

SLG is one of the UK’s most well-established, successful residential and renewable energy land promoters. It is currently managing upwards of 16 potential sites across the country.

If you have site that you think might have development potential, get in touch today to find out how we can help.

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