3.5 acre site the Green Belt on the southern edge of Wilmslow.

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The Strategic Land Group control this 3.5 acre site in the Green Belt on the southern edge of Wilmslow, in Cheshire East.

Planning policy protects Green Belt sites from development and therefore the first task is to secure the removal of the site from the Green Belt as part of a review of the Local Plan. The Strategic Land Group were therefore involved in every stage of Cheshire East’s plan preparation process, submitting representations to the council to ensure that Wilmslow would be expected to deliver at least enough homes to meet its own needs.

These efforts are beginning to pay off, as the site is currently proposed to be removed from the Green Belt and 'safeguarded' for future development in the latest version of Cheshire East’s Local Plan Strategy.

Once the new allocation is confirmed, the most appropriate timing for a subsequent planning application will be explored with the council.

No items found.

The Strategic Land Group control this 3.5 acre site in the Green Belt on the southern edge of Wilmslow, in Cheshire East.

Planning policy protects Green Belt sites from development and therefore the first task is to secure the removal of the site from the Green Belt as part of a review of the Local Plan. The Strategic Land Group were therefore involved in every stage of Cheshire East’s plan preparation process, submitting representations to the council to ensure that Wilmslow would be expected to deliver at least enough homes to meet its own needs.

These efforts are beginning to pay off, as the site is currently proposed to be removed from the Green Belt and 'safeguarded' for future development in the latest version of Cheshire East’s Local Plan Strategy.

Once the new allocation is confirmed, the most appropriate timing for a subsequent planning application will be explored with the council.

No items found.

The Strategic Land Group control this 3.5 acre site in the Green Belt on the southern edge of Wilmslow, in Cheshire East.

Planning policy protects Green Belt sites from development and therefore the first task is to secure the removal of the site from the Green Belt as part of a review of the Local Plan. The Strategic Land Group were therefore involved in every stage of Cheshire East’s plan preparation process, submitting representations to the council to ensure that Wilmslow would be expected to deliver at least enough homes to meet its own needs.

These efforts are beginning to pay off, as the site is currently proposed to be removed from the Green Belt and 'safeguarded' for future development in the latest version of Cheshire East’s Local Plan Strategy.

Once the new allocation is confirmed, the most appropriate timing for a subsequent planning application will be explored with the council.

No items found.

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0161 220 2935

The Strategic Land Group

Centurion House
129 Deansgate
M3 3WR
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